Below are our articles on the subject of Planning. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

A Guide to Packing for Solo Travel
Travelling light requires a good knowledge of the essential items you will need on your travels. With a little bit of careful thought, a solo traveller will soon…...

Advantages of Travelling Alone
Many people wouldn’t even contemplate the idea of travelling alone but really, it’s very likely you’ll have a much better time....

Advice for Men Travelling Alone
Men travelling alone tend to have rather different issues than women, which are rarely addressed, but the right attitude reaps security as well as other rewards....

Advice for Women Travelling Alone
The number of women opting to travel alone has increased greatly in recent years, though it’s not necessarily through choice, but countless options are now available…...

Hiring a Personal Guide When Travelling
Forget the trusted guide book and consider hiring the services of a local inhabitant, on your next holiday. Not only will they be familiar with all the customs, and…...

How to Add a Touch of Luxury to Solo Breaks
Adding a touch of luxury to your solo travel break can be as simple or complicated as you like, as long as it recharges your batteries and creates a positive experience....

How to Overcome Loneliness and Boredom
Shifting feelings of boredom or loneliness requires a little effort but recharges your batteries and provides the solo traveller with renewed enthusiasm for adventure....

Importance of Immunisations
Organising immunisations and vaccinations to protect you from disease and infection while travelling abroad is a fundamental aspect of planning your trip and should be…...

Important Documentation
The first thing you need to do when planning a trip is to find out exactly what documentation you need, how to get it and how long it takes....

Making Solitary Travel Plans
Thorough planning can give you a huge advantage and save you a lot of time and money later on, but knowing where to start can be tricky....

Preparing for Gap Year Travel
Gap year travel can be inspired by the desire to travel the world or by a change in your career. As a solo traveller, however, you will have to be prepared for all the…...

Researching Your Chosen Destination
You can never know too much about your chosen destination and research has never been easier - the trick is to decipher what is useful....

The Growing Market for Lone Travellers
Since so many people are choosing to set off alone these days, the travel industry is responding and making concessions for solo travellers...

The Importance of Purchasing Adequate Travel Insurance
Finding good travel insurance can be difficult but it is important to have an insurer that gives adequate assistance if you need it....

What are the Qualities of the Lone Traveller?
What are the ideal qualities of the lone traveller? You may just find you never know what you’re capable of until you go out there and do it....

When Your Child is Travelling Alone
It can be daunting, for both you and your child, when he has to travel alone between cities or countries. But with sensible precautions and some help, it can become a…...